+ 33 1 46 99 68 20

Safeguarding essential medicines

DELBERT PHARMA’S VISION IS TO SAVE ESSENTIAL MEDECINES that have been abandoned by the pharmaceutical industry and are therefore doomed to disappear.

DELBERT Pharma ensures continuity of treatment for patients in critical need, especially when there are no therapeutic alternatives.

DELBERT Pharma’s business model enables us to maintain the availability of a pharmaceutical heritage made up of critical older drugs, thus avoiding loss of opportunity for many patients. DELBERT Pharma also works to relocate production in Europe, preserving exceptional technical know-how.

Another focus of the company’s business model is to reposition certain essential molecules which are at risk of disappearing, for new indications, particularly in the field of rare diseases


Our ambition

Protecting our pharmaceutical heritage by preserving patient access to essential medicines often lacking therapeutic alternatives

We work every day to:

SAFEGUARD essential medicines that meet critical patient needs,




REPOSITION these drugs in rare disease indications with high medical needs

RELOCATE the production of our medicines in Europe whenever possible


These skills have enabled DELBERT Pharma to obtain the status
mission-driven company in September 2023.

DELBERT Pharma mobilizes collective thinking around a meaningful cause

The strength of the DELBERT Pharma project lies in its ability to integrate all players in the value chain to safeguard critical medicines which are at risk of disappearing:


The hospital physicians and pharmacists who believe in the value of mature molecules and have mastered these treatments.


The patients who are alerting us to their unmet needs and the loss of opportunity caused by the disappearance of non-substitutable treatments.


French and European manufacturers, some of whose available production capacity is no longer being used, despite their well-known pharmaceutical excellence.


The health authorities who are forced to fear shortages resulting from economic choices, rather than from therapeutic decisions taken with public health in mind.


The financial institutions who believe in the value of this developing model and are committed to supporting it over the long term.

Thierry Hoffmann

Marc Childs

A word from the founders


When Marc Childs and I decided to create Laboratoires DELBERT more than 10 years ago, we were always determined to oppose any shortage of medicines, which inevitably meant lost opportunities for patients.
As healthcare professionals, we found this situation unacceptable. That’s how Laboratoires DELBERT came into being, with the aim of keeping essential medicines on the market that were doomed to disappear.
We were surprised that the company’s development generated so much enthusiasm, both internally and externally. In the light of this, we felt it was important to go one step further and work towards the creation of a “mission-driven company”, with a view to pursuing two objectives in particular.
Firstly, to communicate the company’s mission loud and clear to regulatory authorities, the healthcare professionals and patients alike. Secondly, to ensure that this positioning is sustainable by introducing rules, which could be seen as constraints, to ensure that this positioning is sustainable over time, and that our investors and all the company’s employees play a part in achieving and maintaining this status.

Thierry Hoffmann


Our expertise

a unique know-how

Making relocation of production and quality our priorities

Every time DELBERT Pharma buys a molecule :

  • the company assesses the possibility of repatriate production to France or Europe, integrates European standards in terms of good manufacturing practices, invests in equipment to relaunch production locally,
  • this unique model also owes its originality to mastery of every stage in the value chain The integration of inventory management, logistics, regulatory affairs and quality,
  • an approach based on specific technical expertise in injectable drugs, antibiotic therapy and small-volume production.

Foster our entrepreneurial spirit

Our agility is based on a willingness to act and entrepreneurial freedom.
We encourage our employees’ individual initiatives for personal fulfillment and to serve the collective interest, in the service of patients and healthcare professionals.
This entrepreneurial spirit enables us toattract talent in search of meaning and adventure, both in France and abroad.

Constantly integrating the needs of healthcare professionals to establish our priorities

DELBERT Pharma’s therapeutic approach is to respond primarily to critical critical medical needs.

Our company also contributes to the identification of new developments for the needs of needs of rare diseases.

The company’s approach is innovative: it identifies research projects in hospitals, and partners with researchers to establish a clinical file for marketing authorization, with a view to obtaining authorization in other indications.

Our values

5 values guide our decisions, drive us and unite us around our mission on a daily basis

A duty to the patients

Because we are in solidarity with patients suffering from the disappearance of essential medicines, we have decided to rehabilitate these treatments and are investing all our profits in their development.

We need courage and determination to succeed and to remanufacture in Europe and especially in France… we are taking on our responsibilities.

The expertise of a calling

We share the same ambition: to bring together skills and strengthen cooperation. A team effort to provide lasting solutions to meet medical needs.

The uniqueness of our practices

We put all our determination into expressing our differences to find original and agile solutions to serve patients.

Honouring our commitments

Confident in our ability to save medicines, we are ethically driven not to neglect any patient.

Pleasure every day

We are a company on a human scale that works in good humor to integrate and develop each of its employees so that they can blossom within the company.

Our therapeutic areas

Infectiology & Pneumology

Oncology & Hematology



To request medical information on DELBERT Pharma products or report an adverse event,

please write to pharmacovigilance@delbert.fr or contact us on + 33 1 46 99 68 20